Friday, November 12, 2010


all of us have it .
you , the person sitting next to you , everyone .
no exception !
sometimes in life,
in spite of the fact that you clearly know that you are wrong ,
you just cant put yourself down and accept the reality in front of others ,
including your closest ones , including your parents.
you argue.
aggressively .

this can spoil anything
and you know that it will.
its a war between your heart and your mind..

you will never understand the velocity of words
you will wanna break all the bonds
you will wanna hit yourself hard and the other person*
you will wanna do all rubbish BUT justify yourself
you will blame the world but never yourself for anything
your mind will run in all different directions...

have a glass of water and give yourself 5 minutes.
you will cry!

its the heart that always wins at the end,
and your mind 'd be too tired to think of anything sane .

that is when you will need love
that is when you will need care
that is when you will need a HUG.

its 1:00 am and i don't have any idea as to why i wrote this now.
may be i am insane .

oh !then ,

this is when i need love
this is when i need care
this is when i need a HUG
and this is when i need YOU .


* - mainly the other person . lets be honest .

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